Whinny is awaiting a Sponsor. Will you choose sweet Whinny today?

Whinny was saved in 2005 from the Premarin pharmaceutical industry. She was one of six young colts and fillies that Peaceful Acres Horses nonprofit equine welfare organization saved and offered safety from slaughter.

Whinny was a beautiful young Palomino filly standing in a large corral of approximately 60 other youngsters. None of the young horses had been handled, they were all afraid of people and lacked medical and nutritional care.

To choose only 5-6 of the youngsters to help was going to be so difficult, but we set out to try to get close to them, to earn their trust. Most were so afraid that they would run away, especially the little Palomino filly. There was something about her, despite being fearful, she seemed wise to why we were in the coral. Her timidness was not at all aggressive, she watched our every move. She was catching on that we were not there to cause her harm.

For 3 days we traveled to the coral where the youngsters waited to be chosen. On the last day we had our trailer, and it was time to convince the beautiful Palomino filly to get into the trailer with the other youngsters.

She looked over at the trailer with curious eyes, and as the others walked onto the trailer she did too. We were SHOCKED and Elated! She was ready to come home to Peaceful Acres Horses where she would find love, compassion, fresh hay, care and people who would treat her with kindness. She would find her Purpose! Whinny, as we named her, has now been home with us at Peaceful Acres Horses the last 18 years!

Whinny has been a horse who has helped to positively transform the lives of countless people. Her emotionally supportive work with youth, adults, couples, veterans and people surpassing a cancer diagnosis has been nothing short of a miracle! Her kindness, gentleness and friendship towards people in need has been the vision, mission, and purpose of Peaceful Acres Horses since becoming a nonprofit equine welfare organization in 2007.

Whinny is a true gift to all of her volunteer caregivers and her Equine-guided Emotionally Supportive coaching clients. She has a beautiful, calming personality that helps heal broken hearts and build trust, resiliency, and self-esteem.

Whinny was saved by PAH and she has done the work of a “life-saver” of people.

Please consider becoming a sponsor to Whinny. Your contribution as a Feed Partner $42, Care Sponsor $95 per month or Champion Contributor $5,000 will help Peaceful Acres Horses to provide the care Whinny deserves through her senior years at the sanctuary.

Please use our Network For Good link to join PAH’s Membership Program and support Whinny’s care.

Please consider becoming a supporter at Peaceful Acres Horses, your generosity helps PAH to keep our promises to all our rescues.

Network For Good http://bit.ly/2pDu4oV
Venmo https://venmo.com/u/PeacefulAcresHorses-PeacefulAc
PayPal https://www.paypal.me/PeacefulAcresHorses
Send a check to: Peaceful Acres Horses 3740 Rynex Corners Rd Pattersonville, NY 12137